Saturday, May 8, 2010

Seni & Augustin - Lomas de San Antonio

Though it took awhile digging out a large hill, pouring the foundation, and then refilling all of the dirt, we completed Seni and Augustin's house at the end of March with all the excitement and energy, if not more, with which we started.

Seni and Augustin have 3 kids - Lupe, Carlos, y Felipe

Groups which worked on this home:
-First Congregational Church/ Berlin Heights (Ohio)
-Bethany UCC (Ohio)
-Trinity UCC/ College of Wooster (Ohio)
-USC Catholic Center (California)
-Seattle University Xavier Group (Washington)

First Congregational Church chipping away at the hill and rocky foundation

After pouring the foundation, College of Wooster backfilling with all the dirt we dug out + more

Seni proudly pouring her floor

USC Catholic Center building and pouring the walls

After two months of digging, shoveling, and lots of concrete, Seattle U. poured the roof!

1 comment:

  1. Great blog! I'm hoping to set one up for my volunteer group similar to the one by Fr. Ted and the CW Post Builders of Hope. You can check out their blog at:
